A Boy and his Blob

Bilder von A Boy and his Blob

Nintendo-Klassiker im neuen Gewand


Wahrscheinlich erinnern sich nur nur die älteren Semester an das Originalspiel, dass 1989 auf dem Nintendo Entertainment System erschien. Für jene Spieler dürfte es eine umso größere Freude sein, dass nach einigen Anläufen nun wirklich eine Neuinterpretation von A Boy and his Blob für Nintendo Wii unterwegs ist. Das Spiel wird von Way Forward entwickelt und erscheint Anfang November in Europa.

A Boy and his Blob
A Boy and his BlobA Boy and his BlobA Boy and his BlobA Boy and his Blob
A Boy and his BlobA Boy and his BlobA Boy and his BlobA Boy and his Blob
A Boy and his BlobA Boy and his BlobA Boy and his BlobA Boy and his Blob
A Boy and his BlobA Boy and his BlobA Boy and his BlobA Boy and his Blob
A Boy and his BlobA Boy and his BlobA Boy and his BlobA Boy and his Blob

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