League of Legends

Rumour: Milwaukee Bucks co-owner investing in Cloud9

As well as the contracts of four players.


An online rumour has emerged claiming that Wesley Eden, the co-owner of the American basketball team the Milwaukee Bucks, is in the process of buying Cloud9 Challenger's LCS spot as well as the contracts of four of the players, for the sum of around $2.5 million US dollars.

According to the same report, the spot alone is making up $1.8 million of that total, and the rest of it is made up by purchasing the contract to former players An "BalIs" Van Le, Hai "Hai" Lam, Johnny "Altec" Ru, and Daerek "LemonNation" Hart. Apparently Juan Arturo "Contractz" Garcia is expected to stay within the organisation and move to the main LCS lineup, though.

The spot has been up for sale since August, and a deal with a group from the UAE fell through, so it doesn't seem too outlandish that this could be a reality. After all, other owners like Stephen Kaplan of the Memphis Grizzlies have done the same. Do you think it's a good investment?


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